A company requires a consultancy service on selling dietary supplements in Europe and the UK
Request: We are a foreign company operating in the European Union with several sales offices and a production facility. We currently produce cosmetics and plan to expand our market by producing dietary supplements. We need someone to formulate our products and drive us in the regulatory aspects of marketing in Europe and the UK.
Development of the work: I started by carrying out a series of interviews with the relevant business areas trying to understand their commercial orientation. I then analyzed the products already marketed in order to align the food sector with the cosmetics sector to help the cross-selling of new products. Then came the definition of the number and type of products. I began to study the formulations, always liaising with the marketing area in order to identify the target audience by modifying the formulas according to their demands and oriented by the geographical area of marketing. In the end, I drew up the document with the 7 initial formulas required and the specific description of the chosen ingredients. In a second step, I undertook the relationship with the production area, which had to be instructed on the basic steps related to the manufacture of the finished products. Lastly, I worked out the regulatory apparatus for the labels covering three European countries plus the United Kingdom.